Interested in out-of-town meets this Season?

Coach Kerry will be holding an information meeting for parents with children in SSII, SSIII and Senior Comp who are interested travelling to out-of-town meets this season. This meeting will be held at Ed Jeske Arena, Sunday, September 29, 1:30 – 2:00pm.

A list of out-of-town meets will be provided at this meeting for you to consider. Other topics of discussion: we will ask who is interested in attending out-of-town meets and which ones, who might be interested in chaperoning and what those requirements are, and more. This is a great time to ask questions! If you can’t make the meeting and are interested in attending out-of-town meets this season, please talk to your coach and express your skater’s interest!

Fundraising helps to off-set the cost of out-of-town travel! If your skater is 10 or older, they can travel with the team to out-of-town meets. Throughout the year we will have fundraising opportunities for skaters and parents to participate in.

We have Co-op bagging dates already chosen! October 12, December 22 and April 11. All of these opportunities help off-set out-of-meet travel costs! More information will be provided soon to travelling skater families. To sign up for fundraising opportunities, please email Justin, our Fundraising Coordinator.

You can read more about YKSSC Out-of-Town Meets Policy and Operating Procedures on our website.