The YKSSC Schools Ability Meet will take place Saturday, December 1, 2018. The Ability Meet Information Flyer and Online Registration Form can be found on the Ability Meet page of our website. Deadline to register is Friday, November 16.
The registration fee of $20 (Rockets are FREE!) can be sent via EMT to Please be sure to use the password “yellowknife” and indicate which skater your transfer is for. If you prefer, cash or cheque (make out to YKSSC) can be given to Jody or Myra.
Volunteers are needed to make this event happen
Lots of on-ice and off-ice volunteers and officials are needed to run an event like this. If you are able to help, please email Martin. If you are interested in being the Food Coordinator, please email the Ability Meet Coordinator (Jody).
Remember to get your skates sharpened before the meet
You can drop your skates off with one of the Sr. Competitive skaters during their Sunday ice time. The cost is $10.
As a fundraiser for the kids who travel to out-of-town meets, we will have a Silent Auction during the Ability Meet. We have asked all skaters who travel to provide a new/used in good condition item for the Silent Auction. Please support their efforts and make some bids! If you are interested in contributing anything to this fundraiser, thank you very much and please let us know