On Saturday, December 2, the Club will be hosting its first meet of the season for all ages and abilities of skaters. The Ability Meet Information Flyer and Registration Form can be found on our events page. You can fill out the registration form on your computer and email it to ykspeedskating@gmail.com or if you prefer you can print it out and give it to Jody, Myra or Karin. Deadline to register is Sunday, November 19.
The registration fee of $20 (Rockets are FREE!) can be sent via EMT to ykspeedskating@gmail.com. Please be sure to use the password “yellowknife” and indicate which skater your transfer is for. If you prefer, cash or cheque (make out to YKSSC) can be given to Jody, Myra or Karin.
Many volunteers are required to run this meet (set-up, timing, recording, lap-counting, water, runners, etc) so we need your help! Training and direction will be provided. If you are able to help, please email Martin. If you are interested in being the Food Coordinator, please email the Ability Meet Coordinator (Jody).